Thursday, September 3, 2009

Reward great work

When leading a tribe, one of the most rewarding things is when you see other people putting their time into helping achieve your mission. When this happens, you know that your tribe feels a sense of acceptance and responsibility. But the goal as a leader is not to stop at that. It is to show them enough value as a part of the tribe where they want to help it move forward. Where they believe in the goals of the community enough to spread its story. Where they feel empowered enough that they can contribute to the bettering of the community.

When you find these people, and they start to dedicate more and more time and effort into achieving the goals of the tribe, make sure you value them. Actually, don't just value them, make sure they KNOW you appreciate them. Make them feel special because they are going out of their way to help you out, so you must go out of your way to show that much more appreciation. Let them know that their hard work is actually worth more than just something, and they will continue to keep working hard.

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