Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Venice Casino Marketing

This is a perfect example of how your business can create the right environment for your company. In this case, right as tourists arrive in the Venice airports, The Venice Casino has created a very unique and eye catching advertisement.

$100 on BLACK!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dancepants Kinetic Music Player

A designboom's Green Life competition produced an amazing innovation. A pair of pants that using kinetic energy to power your MP3 player. As long as you are running, music is playing!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

World's largest Solar Project

The Sahara has claimed to be the center for the worlds largest renewable energy project. This $555 BILLION project now has the backing of 12 major corporations. Think about the potential of sun energy is the middle of the desert? I don't know how sustainable this project will be in the long run, but I love the vision and the scalability of the idea.